Celery Juice Recipe and Benefits

By , On , In Juices, Recipes
Celery provides tons of essential nutrients for our bodies and the benefits of celery juice include detoxification, antioxidation, and regeneration.

Today we will talk in details about a celery juice recipe and its benefits. Have you noticed the latest craze that is going on around celery juice? Everyone is on it, social media feeds are saturated with posts and videos of people drinking it and the demand for fresh celery has escalated so much that our local health food store is constantly sold out!

Celery juice is supposedly the magical remedy and cure-all for everything from chronic pain to digestive issues and skin conditions. People from all over the world are posting about their experiences with drinking 2 cups (16 oz) of celery juice every morning on an empty stomach, claiming it has helped them cure IBS, migraines, adrenal fatigue, asthma, sinusitis, and more. It is unlikely that celery juice will help you get rid of chronic pack or neck pain, you should better make an appointment with a chiropractor.

So is the hype real?

Is celery juice truly this magical?

Here are our thoughts and experience with celery juice plus an easy and tasty recipe for you to try!

Is drinking celery juice beneficial to your health?  

Celery juice and celery itself is one of our favourite foods. We have been using it to regenerate and energize our bodies for several years now and as we continue to learn more and more about optimum health we get even more excited about the potential powers of celery. It’s truly a magical food! 

What are the key nutrients found in celery juice and what can they do for our health?

  • Fresh celery provides a source of vitamin K, vitamin C, potassium, folate, manganese, calcium, riboflavin, magnesium, and vitamin B6. It has a high percentage of water and electrolytes that can help prevent dehydration.
  • It also contains compounds such as caffeic acid, p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, apigenin, luteolin, tannin, saponin, and kaempferol, that are known for their antioxidant properties.
  • Celery juice provides a healthy dose of vitamin C. Our bodies do not synthesize vitamin C so eating foods with vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) is essential for good bone structure, cartilage, muscle, and blood vessels. Vitamin C also aids in the absorption of iron and promotes wound healing.
  • One of the greatest health benefits from celery juice comes from vitamin K, an important vitamin that helps with blood clotting. While everyone benefits from blood clotting functions, people who are on blood thinners are advised to get enough vitamin K. The vitamin is also important for healthy bones. People who don’t get enough vitamin K are at a higher risk for osteoporosis.
  • Another magical power of celery juice is the undiscovered sodium cluster salts. This compound is known to be very beneficial for our digestive track. Drinking a 16 oz glass of fresh celery juice in the morning (on empty stomach) can dramatically increase digestion, absorption and utilization of the food we eat for the rest of the day.  

Health Benefits of Drinking Celery Juice: 

  • Helps restore adrenals
  • Hydrating especially after a workout 
  • Calm down the nervous system and promotes better sleep 
  • Restores the digestive tract and alleviates many gut issues 
  • A safe remedy for heartburn
  • A great tonic for skin, hair and nails 
  • Supports the nervous system and brain health
  • Wonderful natural remedy for inflammation and joint pain 
  • Provides detoxifying and cleansing properties
  • Decreases risks of getting cancer by removing free radicals 
  • A study shows it has a strong protective effect against colon cancer
  • Helps prevent strokes, lowers blood pressure, and reduces plaque in arteries

Can you add other fruits & veggies to your celery juice? 

For sure you can, however, the overall impact and benefits won’t be as powerful as drinking pure celery juice. If you have a hard time drinking just pure celery juice, you can add cucumber, lemon, lime or green apple to help cut down on the potency until your tastebuds get used to it. The recipe below includes lime which we find to be a great way to introduce this juice into your daily morning ritual. 

A Few Additional Tips for celery juice recipes: 

Use organic celery whenever possible.

If you’re using conventional celery, be sure to wash it especially well before juicing.

Check out this celery juice recipe with tremendous benefits

Celery juice is best to be consumed immediately upon waking up, on an empty stomach for maximum benefits. You may start to feel the positive changes in as little as seven days after starting your daily celery-juice habit, but you can continue drinking it for as long as you want. 

You may want to start slowly with six to eight ounces and build up to 16 ounces from there.

It is best to make celery juice fresh and drink it immediately. If you’re unable to make your celery juice right before you want to drink it, it’s important to drink it within twenty-four hours of making it. 

The best way to store the juice is in a glass mason jar with a lid and keep it in the fridge. If you wish, you can also freeze celery juice and drink it as it defrosts. However, we believe the powerful medicinal properties of celery juice will decrease when it’s frozen, so it’s best to drink it fresh whenever possible.

Please note that we are not doctors and that this article is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice.

And now the promised recipe… 

Celery provides tons of essential nutrients for our bodies and the benefits of celery juice include detoxification, antioxidation, and regeneration.
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Magical Celery Juice For Beginners

This juice is great for beginners and anyone who has a hard time drinking straight-up celery juice. The addition of lime makes it more palatable without adding any extra sugar. A wonderful way to kickstart a healthy day! 
Prep Time8 minutes
Course: Juice
Cuisine: Vegan, Gluten Free, raw
Servings: 16 oz
Author: Active Vegetarian


Juicer Method

  • * 1 big bunch celery
  • * 1 lime peeled

Blender Method

  • * 1 bunch celery
  • * 1 lime juiced
  • * 1/2 cup filtered water or more if needed


Juicer Method

  • * Wash and clean the celery well
  • * Juice the celery and lime using the instructions per your juicer.

Blender Method

  • * Wash and clean the celery well
  • * Roughly chop the celery and add to your blender with the water and lime juice. Blend on medium speed, add a little more water if needed.
  • * Strain the celery pulp out using a wire mesh strainer, a cheesecloth, or a nut bag.


Drink immediately on an empty stomach for maximum health benefits.
Did you make this recipe?Tag @activevegetarian on Instagram so we can share it.

If you give this recipe a try, let us know by leaving a comment and tagging a picture #avrecipes on Instagram – we’d love to see what you come up with. Cheers Friends!

For more green juice recipes make sure to see: 

Lemon & Greens Juice – Immune Building

The Natural Antibiotic Juice

Green Juice – Prevent and Manage Diabetes

Green Juice – Toxin Cleansing


Dedicated to your health & wellbeing, 

Check out this celery juice recipe with health benefits

4 responses to “Celery Juice Recipe and Benefits”

  1. I started drinking celery juice and I can’t believe how My back pain is almost non-existent.

  2. Hi. How many stalks of celery equates to a bunch if I am going to use a juicer? Thanks in advance.

    • Hi Bettie,
      We would suggest anywhere from 8-12 stalks of celery. Depending on the size of them and also how much juice you wish to make.
      Hope that helps.

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