How to select a juicer and make juicing a daily habit? 

On , In Blog, Nutrition

How do you pick the right juicer for you? What is the best juicer on the market? With some many different types available how do you chose?   For the past 4 years Nikki and I have been testing numerous brands and types of juicers, noting the pros and cons for each as well as…

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#62: Common Exercise Injuries + Ways to Stay in Shape While Injured

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Whether you’ve been exercising for years or are just starting a fitness program, it’s always important to pay attention to your body and avoid any possible injuries. This way you can stay on track and keep moving closer to your health and fitness goals. NO PAIN, NO gain. Forget it!  Believe it or not, that…

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#61: How to Sit Less and Move More Throughout the Day

On , In Lifestyle, Podcast

For the past few years, the media headlines have been advising us to rethink the amount of time we spend sitting down. I am sure you have seen them… “Sitting Will Kill You, Even if You Exercise” and “Sitting is the new smoking” Although this might sound pretty extreme, these statements start to make a…

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The Power of Water: Don’t Medicate, Hydrate!

On , In Blog, Nutrition

Water is by far the #1 nutrient in our diet and absolutely essential for our survival. After all, it makes total sense – our body consists of 65% to 70% water. About one gallon (3.78 L) of water is eliminated from our body every 24 hours through the pores of the skin, through the kidneys…

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The Incredible Turmeric Recipe Round-Up

On , In Recipe Round-Ups, Recipes

The Scoop Turmeric is a spice belonging to the ginger family. Turmeric is what makes curry powder yellow – specifically its derivative curcumin —  that is said to be a powerful antioxidant. These bitter, earthy roots are also considered as a cure for everything from arthritis to Alzheimer’s and bowel cancer. The Hype Turmeric has a…

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#55: Sleep: The Missing Key To Your Optimal Health?

On , In Lifestyle, Podcast

Sleep is an amazingly powerful, but commonly overlooked element of creating a healthy lifestyle. This is precious time that allows our bodies to heal and rejuvenate. Without enough sleep, soon your health will start to suffer. Paying close attention to the quality of sleep you are getting is just as important as eating a clean…

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12 Habits To Ensure A Good Night’s Sleep and Thrive

On , In Lifestyle

-Benjamin Franklin You already might know that good quality sleep is an essential part of good health. It’s in our best interest to get 7-9 hours of shut eye every night. However reality is different. Today we want to offer you 12 daily practices that you can implement into your life and start to develop a…

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#53: How To Manage Stress In A Healthy Way

On , In Lifestyle, Podcast

Demanding career, challenging relationships, house chores, kids’ schedules, money, and, yes, even keeping up with healthy eating and regular exercise could lead to stress. Stress has become an unavoidable part of modern life. However if the goal is to be healthy, thrive and enjoy life we got to learn ways that will help us cope…

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#51: Strengthen Your Immunity

On , In Blog, Nutrition, Podcast

*If you would rather listen than read – download our PODCAST HERE. Dealing with a cold or suffering through a full blown flu is not exactly my idea of a good time. Feeling all stuffed up, run down, not able to function or fully perform at work is kind of a bummer. Wouldn’t you agree? Today we…

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The Health Benefits of Herbs + How To Keep Them Fresh

On , In Blog, Nutrition

To enjoy the health benefits of herbs, it is best to either grow them at home, or buy them organic and fresh from a natural grocery store or farmers market. They are among the most nutritious greens you can find and super versatile. You can toss them into your salad, garnish your soup with them…

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Reverse Heart Disease With Diet

On , In Lifestyle

Along with Valentine’s Day, February also means Heart Disease Awareness month.  We are here today to talk to you about some surprising ways to keep your heart healthy—not through prescriptions or bypass surgery, but through simple changes to the menu. Making significant dietary and lifestyle changes allow many people who suffer with coronary heart disease, high cholesterol, obesity and/or high blood pressure to reduce or…

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On , In Lifestyle

Did you know that joker123 is a trusted online betting site that has been proven to provide the best service to all members. Facilities that make it easier for members to play all online gambling games are something members want.  Whether you’ve been enjoying the benefits of being plant based for a while, or it’s…

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