DIY Organic Detoxifying Body Scrub

By , On , In DIY, Lifestyle

So recently with cutting back on coffee… I think I am still having withdrawls. Normally if there was ground coffee in the house, you could guarantee it was being used. Yet the other day I noticed some organic beans still in the fridge. Also since just receiving an awesome package from Garden of Life Canada which included some Organic Coconut Oil I had an idea – create some body scrub πŸ˜›  

Our skin is the largest organ in our body. It absorbs 60% – 80% of what it comes in contact with. When you use commercial cosmetic products, lotions, perfume, oils and scrubs, all of the ingredients in those products absorb right into your blood stream. The ingredients in these products can be toxic and are even known to attribute to allergies, cancer and birth defects.

That is why I love to make my own beauty products. I know exactly what I am applying to my skin. The ingredients I use are natural ingredients that I have in my kitchen!

Organic Detox Body Scrub1


So what are the benefits?

Coffee is rich in antioxidants, making it an awesome anti-inflammatory ingredient. It contains caffeine, which draws out excess moisture from your skin, causing it to look and feel smoother and firmer. In this scrub, coffee acts as a mild exfoliant, removing dead skin cells and exposing fresh, soft skin.

Coconut oil it’s incredibly moisturizing and filled with vitamins and minerals, which lock into your skin.

Saje’s Pain Release Essential Oil helps reduce inflammation and relieve muscle pain and stiffness related to tension, stress, overuse, or injury.

I was amazed at how great my skin felt after getting out of the shower – I love it! Perfectly pair it with some detoxifying dry brushing before and you are set πŸ˜‰

DIY Organic Detoxifying Body Scrub

This simple 4 ingredient scrub will have your skin feeling silky smooth in no time, while detoxifying and helping reduce cellulite.
Prep Time5 minutes
Total Time5 minutes


  • 1/3 cup of ground organic coffee beans
  • 1/2 cup of raw turbinado cane sugar
  • 1/2 cup heaping organic coconut oil
  • 10 drops of *essential oil your choice


  • Place everything in a bowl and mix well.
  • Transfer to small mason jars or any other storage container of choice.


*I used Saje Pain Release essential oil
You can also add different spices. I have added ground cinnamon or even ground cardamon is my favourite - it smells amazing combined with the coffee and coconut πŸ˜‰

 What about my drains? Won’t they get clogged with coconut oil?

We did some research and it seems that the only real solution in keeping your drains from being clogged with coconut oil, is simple. Run hot water for 60 seconds after you have used the scrub in the shower. This should keep it melted long enough to make it out of your small pipes and into the larger wastewater and sewage pipes….

Better yet make the scrub with fractionated coconut oil (which is already liquid form and will not solidify). 

However, if you really wish to avoid this and still want the exfoliation and detoxification benefits we highly recommend Dry Brushing πŸ™‚ 

Dedicated to your health and wellbeing, 
Nik Signature-01



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