In a world of screens, it can be easy to forget about the tangible creations such as newspapers, magazines, and books. Personally, I like to read and articles and posts on my computer but when it comes to an actual book there is nothing that replaces that feeling of holding it in your hands and physically turning the pages. I am sure many of you are nodding your head in agreement.
The benefits of reading really are vast… it can relieve stress, help you sleep, educate yourself, help you work through difficult moments, or allow you to get lost in another world.
Whatever the reason may be that you choose to pick up a book, Zuzana and I have gathered some of our favorite reads below. We hope you enjoy, and please share some of yours in the comments section below.
TIP: If you are challenged with finding the time to read, we suggest heading to bed 30 minutes earlier and using it as part of your evening routine. Now, if you are like me and a book can put your straight to sleep at night – read in the morning! I enjoy starting my day reading – it fills me up with new information and I don’t feel pressed to find time later. Simply set a 30-minute timer on your phone, grab a tea and enjoy!
**these books are in no particular order**
The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
It took a while to really understand this book – and I feel it is one I could go back to and learn something more. I have read it a few times and obviously at different moments in my life. Reading it after losing my Dad really helped remind me to look at life and death differently – it opened my eyes again after being blinded by losing a loved one.
Way Of The Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman
I really enjoy this book (and the movie), after reading so many non-fiction books it is nice to learn and grow individually through a story. It takes you on a self-discovery adventure that you don’t even realize you are on. It is a journey worth taking. Dan has a wonderful collection of books.
The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma
One of the best books you can read. It helped me understand that failure is important and not to compare myself to others (even though deep down all of us know that) the book really makes it clear that it is an important way of life. Enjoy every moment and learn to love the journey not always waiting for the destination.
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
This book changed my life. I have read it many times and actually recall the last time reading it was while I was in Rishikesh, India. This book provided me with a positive insight on how to live life to the fullest. One point of the book that really stuck with me was the idea that once we decide to search for our purpose in life, the whole universe will help us… Everyone should read this book.
Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse
I would highly recommend this book to anybody seeking more in themselves, spirituality, and a deeper profoundness of life. If this is a topic that got your attention you can get your psychic readings from the professionals at the link.
A psychic reading is when an individual with psychic powers taps into your energy to see things about your past, present, or future. And no, a psychic does not read your entire life. They merely give you a scoop of critical details obtained from your medium. You can then use these little details to adjust and improve your life. To get one, check out this user guide to online psychic readings.
Cold psychic reading is another term you will come across very often. A psychic reading is defined as cold when the psychic did not have any prior knowledge about the client. They acquire all the information from reading the client’s energy and observing their behaviors and characteristics.
While reading this story of Siddhartha it made my mind work a little, thoughts would surface and I would pause to process. A great book to slow you down and take a deeper look inside.
Self-Development & Personal Growth
The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle
If you are open-minded while reading, this book can help you view things differently. Which is not a bad thing seeing as most of us have been conditioned in our lives to see things in a specific or narrow way. The concepts are explained clearly and the examples to practice with really empower you to start working on these changes.
The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer
I read this book when it first came out – brilliant! It encouraged me to listen to Michael’s other book – The Surrender Experiment. This book has recently come back into my life in various ways, maybe it’s time to pick it up again? Through his writing you realize you are not your thoughts, sensations, or pain – you are the witness of these. Nonetheless, I came away with new ways to think about fear and anxiety, their relationship to clarity and energy, and how it affects our outlook, perceptions, and relationships.
Your Erroneous Zones by Wayne Dyer
This was probably one of the first “self-help” books I ever read and after a few pages, I felt as though it was written just for me. I have read it and I have listened to it. Again, it is one of those books I think you can keep coming back to. The lessons we can learn could be different every time – we are in a different state of mind or maybe more vulnerable, and open.
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are by Brene Brown
A friend gave me this book to read as I was leaving to travel… Dr. Brown’s advice is based on scientific research, but she also brings a real personal element to her book. She is very honest with the reader about her own vulnerabilities – and uses some silly personal examples to explain herself. Recommended to anyone feeling frazzled, stressed, or generally dissatisfied with their life.
The Universe Has Your Back: Transform Fear to Faith by Gabrielle Bernstein
The first book of Gabby’s that I’ve read, actually, I listened to this one on audible. This book was full of inspirational words and phrases that allowed feelings of love, peace, and joy to come through. She teaches through experience and devotion. Her words will lift you and allow you to find your own place within the Universe’s grand plan.
Be Here Now by Ram Dass
The wisdom of Ram Dass is renowned and this book is full of mind-altering realizations. This book is where it all started for Zuzana and I and has taken us down a path towards realization and awakening that we are not sure we could have found on our own. I often come back to this book for guidance… sometimes I just sit with it and then randomly open it to find answers.
Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl
A book of strength and beauty. Intense at times. Even though it takes place during the Holocaust, it’s focus isn’t on what is happening to him, but how he handles what is going on. That he could come out of this in one piece is incredible in itself. I think there were points I took from this book that would speak differently to me now as I read it while my father was ill. However, it spoke to me as needed at that time. Excellent book!
As a Man Thinketh by James Allen
First Published more than 100 yrs ago! A tiny book jam-packed with great points. It dives into our personal thoughts, desires, responsibility, and achievement. It teaches us to not rely upon others to determine our individual fate.
In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto by Michael Pollan
This is a good, down to earth, common sense book about the way we eat, the way we look at food and a few very simple rules that he proposes to make eating and nutrition a lot simpler. “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.” We often reference this quote because of the truth and simplicity of it – yet it’s difficult for most to grasp this. Great book, especially if you are ready to change your relationship with food.

How Not to Die by Gene Stone and Michael Greger
Great information on how not to prevent various diseases and how to reverse many of them. Michael Gregors writing style is easy to read and the book is easy to understand. What else can we say but to read it and allow it to help transform your life. Plant Power!
The China Study by T. Colin Campbell and Thomas M. Campbell
I read this book when it first came out in 2004, and can honestly say that this book had a huge influence on me going from vegetarian to vegan. I recall the book being very technical in the sense that there is a lot of studies and scientific proof to support the concepts. If you can bare with that it is definitely informative and life-altering.

The Thrive Diet: The Whole Food Way To Losing Weight Reducing Stress And Staying by Brendan Brazier
Brendan’s book is a great insight into how you can be a strong athlete while eating plant-based. His recipes are very thought out and put together to help energize, fuel and recovery. He lives and breathes this way which any reader could appreciate.

Thrive Fitness: Mental And Physical Strength For Life by Brendan Brazier
Understanding nutrition and exercise as a whole is important not just for an athlete but anyone looking to gain results from all their hard work. Through this book, you really can learn to understand the importance of food and training. It contains plans for fueling your body before after and during training to optimize results and recovery. Not to mention it’s all put together in an easy to understand and follow format.
The Natural Way to Vibrant Health by N. W. Walker
Dr. Norman W. Walker gives clear and understandable knowledge that has done wonders for Zuzana and I’s personal health journey. If you truly want to become educated as well as improve your health in a sensible way, this is the person who can teach you and help you achieve those goals. We were so fascinated by his knowledge we bought all the books he has ever written.
Vegan Weight Loss Manifesto – An 8-Week Plan To Change Your Mindset, Lose Weight and Thrive by Zuzana Fajkusova and Nikki Lefler
Zuzana and I designed this book with one mission in mind – To help millions of people live a healthy, happy and vibrant life. We can honestly say we have both poured our hearts into this book, our website, and our coaching. We hope that our work will inspire you to reach your highest potential.
Flight Plan: The Secret Of Success by Brian Tracy
This book says it as it is… That what we want in life requires some form of action. We can dream and manifest what we want however we do need to put some energy, effort, blood, sweat, and tears into it. He has some great guidance on setting goals and realistic advice on how hard it can be.
Let Go by Pat Flynn
Like everything Pat does, this book is inspirational and educational. No matter what field you are in or what help you might need, this book can be a great guide for you to jumpstart your success. Pat shares his personal experience, failures, and victories to inspire any entrepreneur to keep pushing forward. Very motivating!
The Leader Who Had No Title by Robin Sharma
Unlike most business books, where facts and opinions are stated, Robin instead chooses to use a fictional story to get his ideas across to the reader. Definitely a motivational book. Really shows if you put your mind to something you can do anything. Robin’s books are always worth reading and there are many of his on our bookshelf.

Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson
Brilliant! Such an inspiring book. From someone who admires the design, creativity, as well as all the technicality involved in Apple (or anything) – Steve Jobs, is unbelievable. Not only just by what he has created, but all of the thought and detail put into it. I mean you understand when you see Apple’s simple marketing and packaging. This was a man who knew what he wanted and led a very simple life to keep his vision clear.

Crushing It! by Gary Vaynerchuk
This book will likely inspire many to take a chance and begin doing something they thought was never possible. Gary tells it like it is and does not hold back. There is a lot of good information in this book – however, it is not a book that will tell you to do X,Y, and Z to get rich. There are things to point you in the right direction for success, but in the end, if you are not willing to put the time and effort in, you are just wasting your time.
Vegan Weight Loss Manifesto – An 8-Week Plan To Change Your Mindset, Lose Weight and Thrive by Zuzana Fajkusova and Nikki Lefler
Zuzana and I designed this book with one mission in mind – To help millions of people live a healthy, happy and vibrant life. We can honestly say we have both poured our hearts into this book, our website, and our coaching. Did we mention there is also 100+ easy to make plant-based recipes!?
Minimalist Baker’s Everyday Cooking by Dana Shultz
The blog Minimalist Baker is a true testament to what you get inside of this book. Packed full of delicious vegan recipes and “make you drool” photos. A great addition to anyone’s Vegan cookbook collection.
The Oh She Glows Cookbook by Angela Liddon
I can’t say enough about Angela Liddon, in my eyes, she is a true veteran with veganism. Her blog Oh She Glows was my go-to when I was transitioning to a vegetarian/vegan lifestyle. It has been incredible to see her growth and the support she has received. Kudos to this Canadian woman!
Gorilla Food: Living and Eating Organic, Vegan, and Raw by Aaron Ash
In Vancouver, we used to be so fortunate to experience (first hand) the creations by Aaron Ash – the past owner of a restaurant called Gorilla Foods. So of course, we wanted to support him. This book is based on raw foods which do require more preparation. So keep that in mind if you are interested in it – worth it though!
Plant-Powered Families: Over 100 Kid-Tested, Whole-Foods Vegan Recipes by Dreena Burton
Plant-Powered Families is a perfect reference for parents raising little ones – the vegan way. We had the honor of interviewing Dreena Burton and chatted about what it takes to raise healthy vegan children (listen here). Extremely knowledgeable and creative in the kitchen. She offers tons of recipes for free on her website so you can try it before you buy it.
Thrive Energy Cookbook: 150 Functional Plant-based Whole Food Recipes by Brendan Brazier
First word that comes to mind – WOW! The photos in this book are incredible. The recipes are delicious, as well as accessible and practical – which I think is great for anyone especially first transitioning.
Whole Foods To Thrive: Nutrient-dense Plant-based Recipes For Peak Health by Brendan Brazier
Brendan Brazier clearly explains how nutrient-dense, plant-based foods are the best choice – not only for your health but also for the health and sustainability of the planet. Great addition especially if you read his other books.
YumUniverse: Infinite Possibilities for a Gluten-Free, Plant-Powerful, Whole-Food Lifestyle by Heather Crosby and Brendan Brazier
Zuzana and I were very grateful to receive a copy of this book to review. You can read it here. The beauty of this book is that all recipes are not only vegan (except some honey, which could be easily replaced) but also allergy-friendly and holistic.
We would love to hear your opinion on any of the books listed above – or any suggestions that maybe we did not mention. Please connect with us and other readers by commenting below 😉
Happy reading!