Baked root vegetable chips are a healthy alternative to your average store-bought tortilla or potato chip. It may seem like a lot of work to peel and slice vegetables, but I promise you it’s not such a big deal.
Today we have for you Beet Root Chips. Even those who hate beets will love them in chip form. This recipe from Nourish And Inspire uses unrefined coconut oil. Not only do the rings make these chips look cool, but the beets’ natural sweetness makes them a seriously addictive snack.
So Let’s Get To It…
Move over potato crisps and hello Beetroot chips! Have you ever tried Beetroot chips? Well, the ones you get from the store in a packet are not doubt cooked in canola or sunflower oil and potentially have added sugar. So to bypass all that crap, cook your own beetroot chips at home. It’s easy and you can add a little twist! …. A twist of Orange juice… trust me.
Oranges go great with beetroot. In juices and even adding a little orange juice to the dressing of a beetroot salad is delicious!. Try it!
These chips would be perfect for the little kiddies too. They’re gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free and a good way to get them eating a very nutrient-dense vegetable.
Cleansing the liver: back to the doctrine of signatures again where food presents clues as to what properties the food might contain or what it might be good for. Beetroot juice looks like blood and it helps to cleanse the blood of toxins.
Lifting your mood and reducing stress due to betaine and tryptophan which are sometimes used to treat depression and stress. Tryptophan is an amino acid that helps to enhance your mood.
Packed with vitamins and minerals such as: vitamin A, B and C, iron, potassium, fibre and phosphorus.
Lowers blood pressure: the nitrate in vegetables and also the antioxidants it contains help to maintain a healthy cardiovascular system.
Increases energy and stamina: beetroot is high nitrate which expands blood vessels, it’s made into nitric oxide in the body which increases the efficiency of oxygen in reaching the cells, thereby decreasing the overall amount of oxygen that the body needs. This slows fatigue and increases efficiency, so if you’re an athlete beetroot juice maybe your best friend!
- 2 organic large beetroots
- 1 organic orange
- 1 tablespoon of coconut oil unrefined
- Sea Salt to taste
- Preheat oven to 160-180 degrees
- Slice your beetroots into very thin discs – about 2-3mm
- In an oven tray place some bleach free baking paper
- Add your coconut oil and put in oven for 1 min to melt
- Now remove tray from oven and dip beetroot discs on both sides in coconut oil and arrange flat on the tray with a sprinkle of sea salt
- Bake for 20-30mins or until crispy
- Try not to turn up the oven too high or they will burn
- Once crispy take them out of the oven to cool for a little – they will crispy up further once you take them out
- Season with sea salt to taste and a squeeze of orange juice
Today’s recipe was brought to you by Arie-Elle from Nourish & Inspire
My name is Arie-Elle and i’m a health and wellness blogger and co-founder of Nourish & Inspire Me. I believe food is medicine and that healthy eating should be joyful, nourishing and delicious! I create recipes that are unique, fresh, and simple. My food fits into many diet categories including Paleo, Veg- an, Gluten-free, Dairy-free and Sugar-free. Amongst my passion for all things health, fitness and wellness, i am also a food stylist, photographer and Singer/Songwriter. I hope to share my music and creative work with the world and inspire others to live happy and be well.
Connect with Arie-Elle on Facebook or Instagram.