Let’s face it energy bars are a great snack to have on hand at all times! Whether you keep ’em in your gym bag, the car for the kids, or in your office desk drawer – just in case… However, buying energy or protein bars can be really expensive and well sometimes unhealthy.
Why not make your own!? Yup, that means absolutely no preservatives, high-fructose corn syrup or artificial flavorings… and to help you out we have rounded up 14 awesome recipes from around the web so you won’t get bored 🙂 Simply click either the image or name of website to get the recipe.
Roadtrip Bars
Healthy Happy Life
No Bake Peanut Butter Granola Squares
Veggie Inspired

Ginger & Cocoa Rawnie (raw)
The Tofu Diaries

Almond Butter Maple Granola Bars
Wellness To Go
Breakfast Bars
Unconventional Baker

Gluten Free Vegan Caramelized Apple Nut Squares (paleo)
Contentedness Cooking
Double Chocolate Protein Bars (raw & sprouted)
Amanda Nicole Smith
Raw Coffee Quinoa Protein Bars
Strength And Sunshine

Puffed Quinoa Oat Bars
Vegan Family Recipes

Banana Oat Energy Bars
Plantiful Wellness Kitchen

Peanut Butter Cookie Energy Bar
GI 365

Vegan German Chocolate Energy Bars
Craving Something Healthy

Cashew Chocolate Chip Cookie Larabars
Food Doodles

Chocolate Cherry Hemp Bars
The Taste Space

Big shout out to all of the contributors of these yummy recipes!
Dedicated to your health and wellbeing,

What a great roundup! I love to send granola bars in my son’s lunch instead of a sandwich sometimes (along with fruits/veggies). These are all great choices! Thanks for including my no bake granola squares!
Thank you for all the power bar inspo Nikki and for throwing my apple nut squares into the mix too 🙂 These all sound amazing and delicious!
Your Welcome! Thanks for contributing Audrey 🙂
Awesome and beautiful collection, thanks for including my recipe!
Happy to spread the yumminess… 😉