Raw Vegan Coconut Balls– Perfect for Valentines Day

By , On , In Raw, Recipes, Desserts, All Recipes

Happy Early Valentines  ♥

Today we are celebrating super talented vegan foodie, recipe developer and vegan-cookbook-acookbook author behind Elegantly Vegan (available in AppStore worldwide) Veronica. She gathers her inspiration from all over the world and remakes classic dishes as well as developing new interesting recipes purely made from plant-based ingredients. She blogs on Elegantly Vegan and writes for other magazines focusing on vegan lifestyle.

Find out more about Veronica at http://elegantlyvegan.com/blog/

Also don’t forget to check out here cookbook in the iTunes store.


And now…Veronica’s Raw Vegan Coconut Balls


Raw Vegan Coconut Balls

Perfect treat to make for your loved ones. Decorate with finely chopped goji berries for a more Valentines day feel
Author: http://elegantlyvegan.com/


For The Coconut Balls

  • 200 gram grated coconut
  • 20 pcs dates fresh
  • 1 tbsp raw coconut oil

For The Chocolate Coating

  • 4 tbsp raw cacao powder
  • 2 tbsp coconut oil
  • 2 tbsp honey or agave nectar
  • 2 pinches of cinnamon powder
  • 0,5 tsp cinnamon powder
  • 0,5 tsp himalayan pink salt


Make The Coconut Balls

  • Add grated coconut to a food processor, blend for about 5 minutes until the coconut flakes becomes to coarse flour.
  • Add cinnamon and Himalayan salt, blend.
  • Add pitted dates and raw coconut oil, blend until the ingredients start to stick together in the food processor.
  • Turn off the food processor, remove the blade and create small balls.
  • Place on a tray and let set in the fridge so that the balls are cold throughout and the coconut oil has set and solidified.

Now The Chocolate Coating

  • Pour hot water into a pot, place a ceramic bowl on top of the pot that can stand firmly and wont wobble around. (If you need to make the chocolate mixture more fluid when you work, just heat up the water on the stove quickly.)
  • Add the coconut oil and honey or agave nectar, melt carefully.
  • Add a pinch of cinnamon and cacao powder, whisk together to ensure there are no lumps.
  • Dip each coconut ball in the chocolate with a fork and decorate if preferred.
  • Store in the fridge in an airtight container.


You want to taste your chocolate mixture and add more raw cacao or preferred sweetener to get your own preferred cacao strength.
Ensure that the water never boils if you need to heat up the water in the pot again while you are dipping the coconut balls.
For my version on the picture I’m using a little more raw cacao then stated in the recipe, because I love the intense cacao flavour.
Decoration Suggestions:
Bee pollen
Grated coconut flakes
Goji berries

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