Be Vulnerable…

By , On , In Lifestyle


Be Vulberable

I wanted to share with you a poem I wrote during my recent visit to India. I think it is self explanatory – however if not… what I am trying to express is how beautiful it is when people are them self and completely open and vulnerable. When one has let the ego, thoughts, attachments etc. all go and are content with what is left.

I truly believe that the more we express our true inner self the more people surrounding us begin to feel comfortable enough to do the same.

Too often we distract ourselves or try to fill this void within with material things or even people, which is not fair. Learn to love yourself first to allow yourself to love others….

Masked illusions 

Material things we all possess
Collecting them greedily 
Relationships we grasp onto
To fill that void – only temporarily 
For what?
And for whom?

Think it will reveal who you are?
Your status … Your being ?

What if they were taken? 
What would be left?
It would be you standing questioning 

Questioning …
who is this person?
Where have I gone?

Can’t you see 
The attachment to materials 
To relationships 
To people
Become your comfortable mask 

Your mask
To hide all the fears 
You continuously avoid 

To cover Your inner self
The inner self you’re so 
scared to meet

Now try to Find the
beauty you hold
Your potential
Your Ability 

Ability To come alive 
be happy
Feel love 
Live life 

By simply 
Finding And


With no materials
No mask 

A Vulnerable you

With gratitude and love…

Nikki & Zuzana

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