Joe and I have recently moved across the country (that might explain the lack of updates and podcasts).
As our house back in Ontario was sold with all the furnishing we decided to pack only a few of our most important belongings to make the move as easy as possible.
I believe that we are both very adaptable and embrace change so this move wasn’t all that scary for us.
The only thing I was sure to miss was my big roomy kitchen and all my tools and appliances I had to leave behind.
I spent a lot of my free time in that room – it was like my sanctuary 🙂
I find cooking and baking comforting and relaxing so the idea of not having “the perfect” kitchen was little frightening to me.
The house we are currently renting doesn’t have a huge kitchen and the tools are very limited. That doesn’t stop me from creating my kitchen “magic” though.
I have learned a valuable lesson – apparently I don’t need 10 spatulas, bread-maker, rice cooker, 6 burner stove, huge collection of mixing bowls, hand mixer, espresso maker, endless amounts of cookie cutters…etc. I have got to explore a selection of high-quality kitchen knives and dinnerware at https://www.laurelandwolf.com/, my favorite brand is Santoku Knives.
However there are some tools I believe every vegan/vegetarian kitchen should have. I put together a list of kitchen essentials I personally use on daily basis to help you create healthy and nutritious meals without wasting your money and kitchen counter space.
1. Blender
Does Your Blender Smoke? No seriously do you have a decent blender? I use mine daily to create power-smoothies and veggie or bean soups.
Just remember, you get what you pay for. That’s right, if your blender starts smoking when you add a few ice cubes, it’s time for a replacement, one that’s more powerful and ready for the task at hand. And while you’re at it, why not splurge and get a nice-looking one too. If you’re embarrassed by your blender and you keep it on the top shelf, tucked behind the cake pan, even with the best of intentions, you’re not going to use it.
Recommendations? Sure.
For every-day use, I like the Magic Bullet . It’s only 40 bucks and it’s quite powerful. The only issue is that it’s small. So if you want bigger Power Smoothies or big batch of soup you’ll have to go bigger with your blender. In which case you might choose the Vita Mix. This is the Mercedes Benz of blenders. It’s pricey. But I’ve never seen another blender match its power and longevity.
2. Food Processor
I have a Black & Decker FP1600B 8-Cup Food Processor and I am very happy with it. I bought mine for $40 and had it for about a year now. No problems with it whatsoever! I use it for chopping veggies, making bean dips, sauces, raw burgers, cookie and cake batters, energy balls…you name it. Can’t imagine my kitchen without it!
3. Can Opener
Yes you heard me right. If you ever tried to open a can of chickpeas with a wacky can opener you understand. So invest into a reliable can opener – I really like this one Starfrit Manual Can Opener.
4. Vegetable Peeler
It might sound simple, but having a good vegetable peeler is a must. I would always buy peelers at the dollar store not realizing one type might be better then another. Until I used the one I have now. What a big difference! Having an efficient peeler with a comfortable handle makes the job of peeling vegetables go so much faster than using one with a dull blade or awkward handle. This Rosenhaus Swiss Pro Peeler makes peeling everything from carrots to butternut squash a breeze.
5. Slow Cooker/ Crock Pot
A great tool to have around if you are seeking a quick, simple way to cook meals for your family. I find it to be super handy on busy days – all you have to do is in the morning throw together a dish (veggie chilli, stew or soup) then when you get home at night you have a fresh, healthy, hot meal awaiting you. I got my
So here you have. The top 5 kitchen tools I can honestly NOT live without.
What are yours?
Talk soon,
Zuzana 🙂
I loveeeeeeeee my Vitamix but had a bullet before, the giant one with the juicer attachment too and it worked wonders! I had it for over a year and it got the job done!
Can’t go wrong with the magic bullet, for the price…it gets the job done 🙂
I agree about the knives. I also use my veggie steamer on a daily basis. Food processor, absolutely! I have a lot of fancy tools, but, always use just a few and over and over. If I had to leave everything behind, that would be hard, but, I would have to have my kitchen aid and my coffee maker (does that count?) Love your site. Keep up the good work!
Thanks Victoria,
how could I forget about coffee maker?! It sure takes a priority over all the other tools 😉
Good call on the sharp knives …sucks using dull knives! Great input, much appreciated!
essential kitchen tools for me:
1) a couple of good sharp knives. don’t need a drawer full, just a few really good ones.
2) kitchen aid mix master – this one was given to my grandparents when they got married in 1922! not much it can’t do.
3) a good solid, well seasoned cast iron frying pan.
4) a stainless steel wok. i got it at a thrift store. copper bottom. it’s really big – can make a stir fry for a crowd.
5) a nice big stainless steel stock pot for making soup in. i got it at an auction. i make a lot of soup and then freeze it for quick lunches or suppers.