I’ve been pretty pumped up to get my hands on Dreena’s Plant-Powered Families: Over 100 Kid-Tested, Whole Foods Vegan Recipes book. Mostly because I wanted to know from someone who is raising three girls herself what it takes to get your young ones excited about healthy plant based eating habits.

In our world where we are being bombarded with so much junk food, where media does an unbelievably “good” job advertising food to the youngest generation, how do you keep your children away from it?
This book definitely exceeded my expectations. Not only that it is full of nourishing and satisfying recipes even the fussiest of eaters will fall in love with (and I am not just talking about children π ) ,this book will also become a resource!
Plant-Powered Families will guide you through different strategies such as
- batch cooking
- proper food storage
- hosting and attending kid’s parties
- even offers a sample meal plan!
Dreena also approached a holistic nutritionist to help clarify commonly asked questions about
- protein
- calcium
- supplements
- soy and others
If you have trouble getting your kids, friends, or other family members to eat healthy or you would like to foster positive eating habits to last a lifetime – then Dreena’s book is the perfect place to start.
In the next couple of weeks we will be sharing two of our favorite creations from the book. Here is a little sneak peak π

Here are few more recipes from Plant Powered Families for you to try:
- Go Dairy Free has Creamy Vegan Fettucine .
- Wendy Polisi has Ta-Quinos.
- Stephanie Weaver has White Bean Guacamole.
- Spabettie has Crazy Brownies.
- Healthy Blender Recipes has Creamy Vegan Fettucine.
- Ricki Heller has Super Stuffed Sweet Potato.
- Kim’s Welcoming Kitchen has No-Bake Granola Bars
Want to learn more about healthy nutrition for your children? We were lucky enough to catch up with Dreena on our latest podcast Here.
Dedicated to your health & wellbeing,