Demanding career, challenging relationships, house chores, kids’ schedules, money, and, yes, even keeping up with healthy eating and regular exercise could lead to stress. Stress has become an unavoidable part of modern life. However if the goal is to be healthy, thrive and enjoy life we got to learn ways that will help us cope and manage stress in a safe harmless way.
It’s Not All Bad
Did you know that stress is not always a bad thing? Believe it or not, some stress is actually positive. For instance, stress can help us meet daily challenges and accomplish tasks more efficiently. Stress can also motivate you to reach your goals. Moderate and short-lived stress—like an upcoming exam or preparing to deliver a speech in public—improves cognitive performance and memory. Our brain is constantly responding to stress, it is a key element for survival. On the other hand, extreme or chronic stress can be quite harmful and have a negative effect on our health. That’s the kind of stress we need to pay attention to and learn to manage. Accumulation of stress is not only unnecessary but can wreak havoc on our entire health and well-being. Sooner or later someone who is chronically stressed will be faced with some serious health challenges such as a weakened immune system, hormonal imbalance, high blood pressure and even heart disease.
“If you ask what is the single most important key to longevity, I would have to say it is avoiding worry, stress and tension. And if you didn’t ask me, I’d still have to say it.” – George Burns
Top 12 Symptoms of Too Much Stress
Moderation & Management Is The Key
We already know that stress is simply a normal physiological response to events that make you feel threatened or upset your equilibrium in some way. Some of these situations are out of your control however there are some strategies that will help you stay grounded and keep the exposure to unwanted stress to minimum.
7 Helpful Ways to Minimize Stress In Your Life:
Simplify & Organize
Take time to get things in your life organized, starting with your desk and any clutter in your environments. Clean out, tidy up and minimize your home, closets and car.
Time Management
“It is not a daily increase, but a daily decrease. Hack away at the inessentials. – Bruce Lee
Lack of time is often a major stress factor for many people. There are several effective ways to manage your time wisely and avoid feeling under pressure—create a daily plan, block out distractions, track your time, prioritize, delegate, Learn to Say “NO”, etc. Manage your money with a tracker, savings account, and The Children’s ISA.
Finish What You’ve Started
Much of the stress that people feel doesn’t come from having too much to do. It comes from not finishing what they’ve started. Focus on one task at a time and get things done.
Exercise & Eat Healthy
Exercising helps relieve built-up stress. Also fitter person is better equipped to handle stress. What you eat also plays an important role. A healthy diet can help counter the impact of stress by strengthening the immune system and lowering blood pressure.
Quality Sleep
Staying up late to get more done robs you of your total productivity. It dulls your mind, increases stress, promotes weight gain and contributes to mood swings. Get your eight hours no matter what. Take a nap if you missed your sleep. Prioritize sleep.
Slow Down
“Stress is caused by being ‘here’ but wanting to be ‘there.’ – Eckhart Tolle
Instead of rushing through life, learn to take things slow. Savour your food, enjoy the people around you and be present. This approach alone can save tons of stress.
Have Fun
The antidote to stress is self-expression. Make sure to do something you enjoy each day, even if it’s just for a few minutes. Play a game with your kids, find an activity or a hobby you enjoy. Whatever you choose—be sure to have fun.
Anytime you are experiencing stress symptoms we suggest that you consider of of the following strategies. Allow yourself to pause and relax. It’s by no means a sign of laziness or a waste of time. On the contrary, slowing down often provides us with sense of clarity and could reveal a new direction.

12 Powerful Ways to Relieve Stress:
- Spend more time in nature
- Exercise and yoga
- Take a bath with Epsom salts
- Avoid stress-promoting foods (coffee, energy drinks, sodas, alcohol and fried and processed foods)
- Eat “grounding” foods (carrots, sweet potatoes, root vegetables, berries, figs, melons, yams, mango and avocado)
- Take a brief walk
- Take 10 deep breaths
- Get some sunshine
- Listen to relaxing music
- Drink herbal or green tea
- Unplug from the digital world
- Get a massage
At the end I would like to leave you with a quote to ponder upon
“Its not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it.” – Hans Selye
Dedicated to your health and wellbeing,