
Natural Weight Loss

Lesson #6

Many of us have something that we’d like to change in our lives, but it can be pretty difficult to overcome bad habits, addictions or strong urges. Our main addictions in this society are food, drugs, alcohol, gambling, pornography and people pleasing – most people are infected with at least one, some people have them all.

So how can we deal with these urges that are holding us back from living a healthy, fulfilling life? It’s tough, but it can be accomplished.

mindfulness and weight loss

Being mindful includes the ability to control our reactions to ongoing, and often stressful, life events. Most would agree that we spend far too much time worrying about what has already happened in the past or what we fear may happen in the future. While this response is an automatic reaction based on the subconscious, accumulation of these limiting beliefs leads to stress and many don’t realize the huge impact that stress has on our health and even on our weight.

How does stress effect your weight

There are several ways in which stress can contribute to weight gain. One has to do with cortisol, also known as the stress hormone. When we’re under stress, the fight or flight response is triggered in our bodies, leading to the release of various hormones, including cortisol. When we have more cortisol in our system, we may crave unhealthy foods like snacks containing high sugar and fat content, and obviously, this can negatively affect weight and overall wellbeing. 

Food then becomes our “drug of choice”, our way of coping with stress and difficulties. If we get into an argument with our spouse, have a bad day at work, experience financial pressure or are presented with a project deadline … we reach for food to make us feel better. Over a time, we develop a habit of using foods as a coping mechanism. How many times have you found yourself foraging in the kitchen for a  quick fix, or mindlessly munching on junk food when you’re stressed, but not really hungry? 

mindful practices that can lead to weight loss

Simply just removing the “addiction” is not the answer. Life can be challenging sometimes and we will still have some stress to cope with. Instead, we need to put something healthier in its place to deal with those stressful times when they come.

So when we try to quit an addiction, and stress comes up, we need a new healthier coping mechanism. And when the urge comes up, we need to do the new coping mechanism instead of the old habit.


We encourage you to become aware of your patterns associated with overeating and eating junk food.  Anytime you experience feelings and emotions that trigger you to reach for food chose one of the following practices instead: 

  • Meditation
  • Going for a walk in nature 
  • Some other type of exercise or sport you enjoy
  • Practicing yoga
  • Deep breathing 
  • Conversation with a friend
  • Taking a bath 
  • Going for a massage
  • Having tea
  • Writing in a Journal 

Pick one, and apply it whenever you feel like engaging in your unhealthy habit. Soon you’ll develop a healthier way to cope.

Why It works:

If you put another coping mechanism in place, you’ll have less need for the “addiction”, and the urges will dissipate over time.


The above strategies could be applied to any other unhealthy behavior you wish to change. 


Meditation can be an effective tool to help you lose weight. It aligns the conscious and unconscious mind to agree on changes you want to apply which makes it easier for you to control the cravings for unhealthy food and changing unhealthy eating habits. 

Commit to change by devoting just one minute a day and try the following meditation practice:

There is a possibility for you to fully enjoy the food rather than being left unsatisfied when you’re done eating. You can embrace and enjoy social occasions without overeating, or be eating unhealthy foods. You have the power to heal your relationship with food and free yourself from the damaging cycle of yo-yo dieting. 

This 21 Day Challenge it’s not an overnight weight-loss plan. Instead, it’s a lifestyle change, and that is why we are including not just what and how much to eat, but methods that will help with lasting habit changes. 

We wish you all the best,

P.S. Be sure to comment on each of the lessons if you’re left with any questions!

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