This workout is 18 minutes long and it’s made up of bodyweight exercises. I didn’t use any fitness equipment except of my Gymboss Interval Timer (click the blue link for more info on the timer) which I set for 9 rounds of 10 seconds and 30 second long intervals (6 minutes total). Your goal is to do as many reps as you can during the 30 seconds and you always have 10 seconds of rest between the exercises. There are 3 parts in this workout and each of them is 6 minutes long.
The title of this workout is not a joke by the way. All you need to get in shape or stay in shape is regular exercise and healthy eating habits. You will make much better and faster progress with short intense workouts that you do on a daily basis than 3 long workouts a week. Our AV workouts are a combination of cardio and strength training which gives you the benefits of both, plus these workouts will save you an incredible amount of time especially if you have the option of doing them at home.
Remember that exercise by itself won’t help you to loose weight. Exercise will shape up your body and speed up the process of loosing fat, but your DIET will play a major role in helping you lose the extra pounds. What it comes down to at the most basic level is eating real whole foods and avoiding processed cr*p 😉
This is the workout break down:
Part 1
Set your timer for 9 rounds and two different intervals – 10 seconds and 30 seconds.
Start with 10 seconds of rest
1. 30 seconds of Evil Jumps
10 seconds of rest
2. 30 seconds of Plank Jumps
10 seconds of rest
3. 30 seconds of One Arm Press Up (alternating arms)
You will go through this sequence 3 times.
Take a short break, sip of water and move on directly to the second part of this workout.
Part 2
Your timer is already pre-set and all you have to do is to press START.
10 seconds of rest
1. 30 seconds of One Legged Burpee (left leg)
10 seconds of rest
2. 30 seconds of One Legged Burpee (right leg)
10 seconds of rest
3. 30 seconds of Diamond Push Ups
You will repeat this sequence 3 times.
Part 3
Your timer is already pre-set and all you have to do is to press START one last time.
10 seconds of rest
1. 30 seconds of Sprinter Sit Ups
10 seconds of rest
2. 30 seconds of Mountain Climbers
10 seconds of rest
3. 30 seconds of V-Ups
You will repeat this sequence 3 times.
Enjoy your workout.