5 minute Challenge: Arms + Abs

By , On , In Free Workouts, 5 Minute Challenges, Fitness, Workouts

Alright, ladies, this one is for you!

What woman doesn’t want toned core and firm arms?  – no more jiggles…

With this quick 5 minute workout, we hit our core and those underarms. It will be sure to give you strength, energy, and more confidence.

As always, we kept it short and sweet so you have no excuses not to fit it into your day 😉

Fitness Level: Beginners, All Levels

Focus: arms + abs

Equipment: towel/band or yoga strap

Length: 9:30

Workout Summary:

Set a timer for 4 minutes and complete as many rounds as possible of the following circuit:

  • bodyweight tricep extensions x 5
  • alt leg drops x 5/5
  • diamond pushups (or narrow) x 5
  • reverse #4 bridge tricep dip x 5/5 

Finisher: Isometric Bicep Hold (using towel/strap/band) 30 second hold on each side

Until next time… keep moving!

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