#61: How to Sit Less and Move More Throughout the Day

On , In Lifestyle, Podcast

For the past few years, the media headlines have been advising us to rethink the amount of time we spend sitting down. I am sure you have seen them… “Sitting Will Kill You, Even if You Exercise” and “Sitting is the new smoking” Although this might sound pretty extreme, these statements start to make a…

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#55: Sleep: The Missing Key To Your Optimal Health?

On , In Lifestyle, Podcast

Sleep is an amazingly powerful, but commonly overlooked element of creating a healthy lifestyle. This is precious time that allows our bodies to heal and rejuvenate. Without enough sleep, soon your health will start to suffer. Paying close attention to the quality of sleep you are getting is just as important as eating a clean…

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12 Habits To Ensure A Good Night’s Sleep and Thrive

On , In Lifestyle

-Benjamin Franklin You already might know that good quality sleep is an essential part of good health. It’s in our best interest to get 7-9 hours of shut eye every night. However reality is different. Today we want to offer you 12 daily practices that you can implement into your life and start to develop a…

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#51: Strengthen Your Immunity

On , In Blog, Nutrition, Podcast

*If you would rather listen than read – download our PODCAST HERE. Dealing with a cold or suffering through a full blown flu is not exactly my idea of a good time. Feeling all stuffed up, run down, not able to function or fully perform at work is kind of a bummer. Wouldn’t you agree? Today we…

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Reverse Heart Disease With Diet

On , In Lifestyle

Along with Valentine’s Day, February also means Heart Disease Awareness month.  We are here today to talk to you about some surprising ways to keep your heart healthy—not through prescriptions or bypass surgery, but through simple changes to the menu. Making significant dietary and lifestyle changes allow many people who suffer with coronary heart disease, high cholesterol, obesity and/or high blood pressure to reduce or…

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#46: On Illness, Death and Grief

On , In Lifestyle, Podcast

In today’s episode – we are changing things up, Zuzana interviews me as we talk about why we have been more absent than usual with our site, as well as podcasts.   With this podcast, I open up and become quite vulnerable. All in hopes that those of you reading this or listening understand that we…

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Juicing: What are the health benefits?

On , In Juices, Recipes

Juicing has taken the health world by storm, and millions of people are now gulping down pounds of produce by the glassful. Will it be a trend or actually start to open peoples eyes, and change lives? Zuz and I actually juice a lot and I realized we haven’t really shared any recipes or info. with…

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