#37: How to Be Your Own Personal Trainer!

On , In Fitness, Podcast

What should I do for a workout? We get this question at least once a day, and I’m sorry to say that we don’t have the perfect answer for everybody. As much as everyone is hoping for that magic tip and solution to this question I am afraid to say “there isn’t one”. The reason…

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Gym Hacks – Assisted Pull-up

On , In Fitness

Most of us go to the gym with a plan. We have an idea of what exercises we are going to do, how they should flow and the weights or machines we will use. However it doesn’t always pan out . The other day Nik & I got to a super crowded gym with limited…

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12 Exercises You Can Do Without The Gym

On , In Free Workouts, Fitness

Who needs a gym when there’s the living room floor? Bodyweight exercises are a simple, effective way to improve balance, flexibility, and strength without machines or extra equipment. From legs and shoulders to chest and abs, we’ve covered every part of the body that can get stronger with body resistance alone. 1. Burpees: are one of…

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