Tips To Reduce Your Plastic Footprint

On , In Blog, Lifestyle
This is Zuzana showing how to reduce your plastic

By 2050, plastic in the oceans will outweigh fish, predicts a report from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, in partnership with the World Economic Forum. It’s due to the rapid rate of single plastic pollution in today’s world. According to a report, worldwide use of plastic has increased 20-fold in the past 50 years! Furthermore, it…

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#76: Anemia: A Plant-Based Approach To Iron Deficiency

On , In Blog, Nutrition, Podcast
This is a podcast about Anemia made by Nikki and Zuzana

As health coaches, we often talk with people and even see clients, who struggle with iron-deficiency anemia after adopting a plant-based diet. It’s common to hear people describe just how much better they felt eating this way until the issue of anemia arose, and they were ‘forced’ to return to eating meat and or taking…

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Difference between organic and non-organic fruits and vegetables?

On , In Blog, Nutrition

Sound familiar? I am sure you have uttered this out loud, possibly rounded your shoulders forward, hung your head and surrendered. With all the contradicting information overloading the web –  It’s no wonder we have these moments of defeat. It’s no wonder we fall off track or get persuaded into something new and shiny. We…

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How To effectively reduce stress and anxiety with diet

On , In Blog, Nutrition

In today’s hectic world, almost none of us can escape the effects of stress. Whether it’s physical, emotional, or spiritual, stress is very much responsible for creating or worsening many health-related issues like obesity, heart disease, Alzheimer‘s disease, diabetes, depression, gastrointestinal problems, and asthma. Stress can enter our lives from many angles. Most of us are aware…

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Morning Routine for an Amazing Start to Your Day

On , In Blog, Lifestyle

Routine! What a scary word for so many. Personally, I always thought of myself as more of a fly- by -the- seat -of -my -pants kind of girl, so having a morning routine was not something I was eager to introduce to my life. But reading books and studying those who are successful, healthy and living a…

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33 Must-Read Books That Have the Power to Change Your Life

On , In Blog, Lifestyle

In a world of screens, it can be easy to forget about the tangible creations such as newspapers, magazines, and books. Personally, I like to read and articles and posts on my computer but when it comes to an actual book there is nothing that replaces that feeling of holding it in your hands and physically…

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#72: How To Stop Overeating and Binge Eating and Stick to the Food Plan of Your Choice with Glenn Livingston Ph.D.

On , In Blog, Nutrition, Lifestyle, Podcast

Glenn Livingston from is on the show today, and he will share with us secrets for gaining the power to permanently overcome unhealthy food behaviours. Both his professional and personal journey is quite interesting and also inspiring. As a trained psychologist Dr Livingston was disillusioned by the way traditional psychology deals with overweight and/or food obsessed individuals.…

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Benefits of an Essential Oil Diffuser + 3 Blends

On , In Blog, DIY, Lifestyle

There are so many different ways to use essential oils, apply them to your skin, inhale them, add it to a bath, enhance a massage… As we love to use them all different ways one of our habitual ways is diffusing them. Seriously, you can find one in our bedroom, office and living room/yoga space.…

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Workout Nutrition: Plant-Based Vegan Guide

On , In Blog, Nutrition

Have you ever wondered what to eat to fuel your workouts, to become strong, lean, full of energy all while staying true to your plant-based lifestyle?  I know I have. I am fascinated by how food effects our health and performance. Sport, exercise and other physical activities have been a major part of my life…

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20 Most Eye-Opening Health & Sustainability Documentaries You Must See!

On , In Blog, Lifestyle

“There is urgent need for the stories of people’s real-world experiences,” – Simon Kilmurry, executive director of the International Documentary Association Documentaries can educate and inspire people – some even offer advice on how to implement changes in your life as a positive. Others show examples of bravery, and selfless actions which could encourage one…

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12 High Protein Vegan Snacks to Eat Before and After Your Workout

On , In Blog, Snacks, Recipe Round-Ups, Nutrition, Recipes, All Recipes
Check out these 12 High Protein Vegan Snacks to Eat Before and After Your Workout

Today we’re talking about workout nutrition. To help you get the most out of your workouts, we put together 12 of our personal favourite high protein vegan snacks for all of you plant-powered athletes out there.  As plant-based diets are becoming mainstream, understanding exercise nutrition, including what and when to eat before and after a…

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#70: Easy Plant Based Meal Planning 

On , In Blog, Nutrition, Podcast

Let’s face it. Life gets busy and cooking at home can be tough. Meal planning takes work. But those who’ve mastered it know it’s the key to saving money, eating healthier and feeling their best. To help you get started, we will break down steps to create a customizable healthy plant based meal plan you…

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How to select a juicer and make juicing a daily habit? 

On , In Blog, Nutrition

How do you pick the right juicer for you? What is the best juicer on the market? With some many different types available how do you chose?   For the past 4 years Nikki and I have been testing numerous brands and types of juicers, noting the pros and cons for each as well as…

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